Productivity Coaching

Think of me as a professional organizer for your mind, schedule, and tasks!

•Get your TIME back!
•Get more DONE faster!
•Avoid Burnout + Overwhelm!
•ORGANIZE your Tasks + Mind!
•Reduce Stress!
•Increase FOCUS!
•Eliminate Clutter!
•Enjoy a Sustainable Life!

Book FREE Call!
I’m here to make organizational systems simple and productivity less complicated! 

If you’re ready to get organized, reclaim your time, restore your energy, and reduce your stress, then book your discovery call with me now!

My Productivity Coaching is right for you if:

  • You feel disorganized, a little scatter-brained, and often overwhelmed.
  • You’re feeling stressed, like you can't keep up and you're ready to take control. 
  • You’re not sure where to start and you're needing some direction.
  • You understand the value of having someone by your side to guide and motivate you as you  make changes.
  • You’re ready to make positive, lasting change  and you're willing to put in the work to get there.
  • You're excited to invest in yourself, your growth, and a game-changing transformation.

How can I help you?

Discovery Call


20 Minutes via Zoom


Let's discuss your needs! 

  • Establish Priorities
  • Set Measurable Goals
  • Organize Tasks/Thoughts
  • Learn Productivity Methods 
  • Implement Sustainable Household  Systems to Reduce Stress + Clutter
  • Create Time-Saving Routines
  • Build Lasting Daily Habit
  • Monthly/Weekly Planning
  • Project Management
  • Determine Actionable Tasks
  • Optimize Workflows + Systems
  • Accomplish What Matters Most 
Schedule my FREE Call

1:1 Intensive Coaching Session


60 minutes via Zoom


I'll give you the clarity and guidance you need with the accountability and motivation you're wanting. 

  • Intensive Coaching with focused support and personal guidance to increase your productivity and organize your life.
  • Tailored to your unique needs to address your current pain points and roadblocks. 
  • Includes Follow-Up Email with the Plan of Actionable Tasks Discussed.
Book Now!

1:1 Intensive Coaching Package


6 - 45 minute Zoom sessions


Productivity + Organization Transformation Program

6 week coaching program with weekly sessions to boost productivity, get organized, and gain momentum.


Create sustainable solutions with time-saving strategies, organizational systems, and the right tools.


Implement new systems, routines, and habits with my expert guidance and support.


  • Gain Clarity
  • Define Priorities + Focus
  • Set Measurable Goals
  • Plan Actionable Next Steps
  • Accountability 
  • Motivation
  • High-Touch Experience
  • Expert Guidance 
Sign up!

1:1 Intensive Coaching Package + Custom Trello Organizational System Build


6 - 60 minute Zoom sessions + a custom Trello Organizational System designed for your needs!


Organization Done-for-You + Productivity Transformation Program

6 week coaching program with weekly sessions to get organized, boost productivity, and gain momentum.
This package includes a done-for-you, custom Trello Organizational System built specifically for you to organize your tasks, projects, ideas, business and life!
I will design the framework and structure of an organizational system within Trello and we will work together to optimize it to work best for you.
I will teach you how to utilize it as a tool for success within your business and life. You'll be able to manage your projects, prioritize tasks, meet your deadlines, and most importantly, save mental bandwidth so you can use your brainpower to think about your ideas, not the tasks you need to complete.
This high-touch package is designed for my clients ready to make an immediate change and willing to put in the work and effort to transform their business and life, but need some extra hand holding to get there while saving time and energy by having me build the framework of a Trello system for them. 
  • Organize your business, household, and life with a customized Organizational Trello System
  • Clear the mental clutter of the never-ending lists to shift your energy and focus elsewhere
  • Implement sustainable solutions with time-saving strategies
  • Define Priorities + Strengthen Disciplined Focus
  • Set Measurable Goals
  • Plan Actionable Next Steps
  • Accountability 
  • Motivation
  • High-Touch Experience
  • Expert Guidance + Support 
Enroll Now!

What my clients are saying...

"I literally feel so much relief right now. I can’t even tell you. Kristen has been so helpful in getting me started with organizing my day-to-day at home and with my business!"

"This is AMAZING!!! It has given me all the tools I need to make the changes necessary for a successful year! Best of all, I have learned so much about how I viewed “to do” lists all wrong and never prioritized! Kristen, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your wisdom."

"Kristen Winking is the go-to woman for planning and organization! If you are making a resolution to streamline your life, this is where you should start!"

Efficiency is key when you're managing a busy household, juggling a bunch of schedules, and running your own business.

I will teach you how to combine the tried-and-true Productivity Principles (from efficiency experts like Pareto, Parkinson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower) with the best Time Management Strategies to save you hours of TIME and ENERGY each day!

Being "busy" is not the same as being productive. My focus isn't to help you do more, but to help you gain clarity, focus on your priorities and achieve what matters most.

Let's start streamlining your life, reducing your stress, and finding the balance you've been needing with the FLEXIBILITY to keep up with your ever-changing, busy mompreneur life!

Think of me as a personal organizer for your mind!

Creating realistic routines, building sustainable systems, and implementing prioritizing processes are my forte! I will help you set up unique workflows catered to your individual needs that will allow you to manage action and get things done. With the right tools and techniques system can be game-changing for your time and sanity!

The goal isn't to focus on lists and systems though. The goal is to put manageable systems in place so those tasks can be turned on autopilot. Then, you have the mental bandwidth to focus on bigger and better things!

Clearing the mental clutter of the never-ending lists will give you the freedom to shift your energy and focus elsewhere.

Our mindset is our biggest asset. When we’re happy, we’re more productive, more successful, and more motivated! Success derives from happiness. It’s that simple.

In turn, when we succeed, complete a task, or celebrate a small win, our brain releases the reward neurochemical, dopamine, which boosts our mood, raises our motivation level, and gives us the feeling of satisfaction. A regular dose of optimism will strengthen your positive mindset and has the power to change your life on a molecular level.

The foundation of a happy household begins with a mom who is her best self and has a positive mindset because she is a mom who can quickly problem-solve, effortlessly make decisions, prioritize with certainty, easily plan ahead, and knock out projects (large and small) like a boss.

My focus is to help you beat procrastination, strengthen your willpower reserve, and create permanent positive change. Small, incremental change can have monumental, lasting results. Those small changes begin with creating sustainable household routines, but routines themselves are not enough. Change doesn't happen when you do something. Change happens when you do something well, repeatedly and that takes discipline. It takes discipline to turn routines into successful habits.

Newton's Law of Motion states that an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest. It's my job to keep you in motion, moving forward toward your goals, making intentional progress, and building momentum.

You have what it takes and I'm here to support you!

Developing what works best is a tailored process. 
I'll help you find ways to save time and energy, streamline your workflows, eliminate the things that aren’t working, and create efficient systems in your work, home, and life.

The goal is not to do more. The goal is to accomplish more with less effort.

Book Discovery Call!